Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What Kind of A Country Are We?

What sort of a people and political system in the face of incident after incident of violence and loss continues to engage the problem in the same way? I cannot comprehend how in the face of the latest tragedy many in the pro-gun community could think more guns are an answer to the problem. We have tried the solution of arming ourselves to the teeth. . .it is the outcome of loose gun laws and a culture that solves problems with guns that has caused this disease. The idea that some have that arming teachers and university staff is as absurd as treating alcoholism with extra doses of alcohol.

I like many others over the past few days am shocked and saddened by the awful events at Virginia Tech. I like many others can't believe the enormous tragedy that has befallen the faculty and students on the Virginia Tech campus. But what is even more unbelievable to me is the way in which the pro gun lobby has reacted. Rather than being reasonable and looking for a compromise. They are actually proposing additional guns as a solution to this problem.

Prior to this tragedy a bill existed in the Nevada legislature that would have made it legal for teachers to carry guns on campus. The bill was nonsense and was going nowhere before this disaster. The sponsor of the bill has used this terrible event to capitalize politically and has been on both TV and radio claiming that more guns on campus could have prevented or minimized the incident.

NEVER MIND that most faculty members are not the type to own or know how to properly use guns.
NEVER MIND that we are not should we have to be law enforcement in addition to being counselors, babysitters, administrators, and the myriad of other jobs we are expected to do that have nothing to do with increasing knowledge.
NEVER MIND that guns in homes are more likely to result in accidentally shooting one of your own loved ones than an intruder.
NEVER MIND that faculty are people too and they too might have serious mental or emotional issues that could result in a similar tragedy.

Yeah. . .lets just all go get guns . . .I am sure I will feel much safer that the slightly senile professor who has the office down the hall from me is armed to the teeth.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Spring Cleaning and Shape-Up

So I have finally decided to shake off what ever funk I have been suffering from for the last couple of months. I actually didn't realize what a funk I had been in until I was in Italy on the trip of a lifetime and even then not over joyed. It wasn't so much that I have been sad lately just sort of sleep walking through my life. It doesn't make sense but we don't always get to pick how we feel. But I am done with all that now . . .I am finally awake and finally feeling myself and it is no longer the time to mope.

After all I finally have the job I have wanted for years, a great boyfriend, a nice place to live and generally other than just being a little too busy nothing to complain about.

Today, I woke up with a sense of purpose and drive I haven't felt in months. I really feel like spring is here and it is time to start fresh. I cleaned out my files, went for a run, cleaned house, and just enjoyed feeling like I was getting things long over due done.