Friday, December 22, 2006

The Unlikeliest Hero

So, I sit here in my Vegas apartment. . .still in pajamas after lunch time. I guess I am enjoying the freedom of my new life and taking a day off every once in a while. Yesterday, I was faced with one of the scariest things that can happen to you as an adult. I was faced with the mortality of two people I love very much. My grandfather and my mother were both in the hospital on the same day. I found my self completely lost, unable to work, scared, angry, and very sad. I called the "Nice Guy" at work. He talked me down well enough so that I could put on a brave face and go into work to meet with a very troublesome character.

The "Nice Guy" didn't simply pat me on the head and try to get me off the phone like so many other would have done. He put aside what he was doing and actually took the time to listen to what was going on. Even more surprising that night when I called him to apologize about interrupting his work day. Instead of agreeing with me that it was best not to call at when he was at work, he insisted that he was happy to hear from me whenever and that I shouldn't hesitate to call if I needed to talk. While, I am not much for over the top assertions this one seemed to hit the right note at the right moment. I am glad that on such a bad day I had such a "Nice Guy" to talk me through it.

Monday, December 18, 2006

There Comes A Time. . .

In every woman's life when we realize that that bad boy, no matter how appealing in the short run, will not be appealing in the long run. For me that time is now. I in the past have loved many a rogue. I affectionately call them my "project" men. This was not because they were always working on projects but because they very quickly became projects. Like the darling Victorian house that would be so cute if you only spend your entire life savings and every spare minute fixing it up (a la the money pit). The difference is at least with the house if you work hard enough and long enough you might break even.

As my mood of late has shifted from beautiful but completely impractical shoes to comfy and not so lovely shoes, my taste has also shifted from dangerous to safe men. Since moving to Vegas, I have been hit on by many rogues which the old me would have found completely irresistible. Somehow miraculously, I don't want them anymore or perhaps it is more accurate to say I don't want them enough to deal with the hangover after they are gone. I am still having a little bit of trouble being completely in love with the "safe, stable and mature" options but at least this seems to be a step in the right direction.